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About Clown Creed
2000 Clown Creed 2000 began as a crazy idea that a large number of esteemed clown educators should get together on a simple declaration. It would serve as a philosophical base that would enable us to understand who we are as clowns, what is expected of us, and allow us to embrace our past while moving confidently into a very different future. So much has changed, so much has been altered, so much has evolved over the years so as to make even our own self definition unclear. As I gave it more thought, I recalled listening to and reading many of the top educators in the clowning field over the past few years. While we were divergent in styles, activities, affiliations and personalities both in and out of costume, we all shared the same premise about who clowns are and what we are here to do. In fact, in our individual ways we have all independently discovered, accepted and taught aspects of Clown Creed 2000. While I may have been the person who put the words together on paper, it reflects the spirit of all of us who signed the creed. Clown Creed 2000 addresses our past, our present and our future as performing clowns. It doesn't cover everything about clowning. It shouldn't. It defines us but makes no rules to confine us. In its potential effect, Clown Creed 2000 changes everything and changes nothing. We don't wish to create a new organization or destroy an old organization. We ask for no organizations to take any specific action. We don't want to replace your rules with our rules. We don't want followers. We want good clowning. This is a very individual creed. Embrace it or toss it as you see fit. Its essence is to help you follow your heart's direction. Know why clowns exist and what is expected of us. Take your clowning as far as you can, and do it as well as your individual talent permits. Keep an open mind and an open heart. While you're spreading around the fun, don't forget to have a little fun yourself. We invite you to use Clown Creed 2000 as a guide for your own development. If you teach clowning, we invite you to use it as one of your teaching tools. Red Skelton said he preferred to be referred to as a clown because "it is the top of the profession. You can do anything, sing, dance, act, and make people laugh or cry." Clown Creed 2000 emphasizes breaking through artificial restrictions using anything and everything to achieve our intended goal of lifting the spirits of our audiences. And finally, please concentrate carefully on what we are really saying in Clown Creed 2000. After many years of writing columns I am used to immediate response criticism that is unfortunately based upon misreading what I have written. I've been told more than once that I'm no good until the second reading. What can I say, its my style. If the wording is problematic for you, then talk to one of the many signers. They go from north to south and east to west. At least one is at practically every clowning get together nationwide and Canada. It is a truly illustrious crew with first hand experience in every aspect of clowning. Each one is an open, sharing educator. They may not always tell you what you want to hear, but they will give you experience tested guidance. |
Clown Creed 2000 Clowning is a performance art. We exist to perform. Our obligation is to prepare ourselves for effective and entertaining performances. The primary expectation of our audiences is that we will bring humor into their lives. While delivering humor we can also do many important things such as teach lessons, praise God, help heal troubled souls, and many other worthwhile things. We do these things within the context of our art form and with the understanding that our primary purpose as clowns is to comically entertain. Clowns are of human nature. Clowns are not representations of fictional characters. Clowns are not figments of the imagination. We are human, we are real and we are alive. The clown is an essential part of our human soul. We nurture and care for the clown in us so that it always continues to grow. We respect and learn from clownings rich past. We also understand that clowning has always changed and grown to adapt to the society of its day. We must not force artificial constrictions on the development and advancement of clowning simply in the name of tradition. Conversely we must not abandon tradition for the mere sake of change. Change should come as natural extensions and adaptations of our tradition. Makeup and costume are merely two of the many tools we use in our clowning. They are not what define us. Costume and makeup styles do change and evolve over the years and will continue to do so. This is a sign of dynamic progress in our art form. No style of makeup or costume is ultimately right or wrong (except in a historical context). Its ultimate criteria today is its effectiveness in helping the clown comically entertain. Character development, thought patterns and styles of action are no longer predetermined by any particular makeup or costume design. Character development determines makeup and costume choices that highlight and augment character. Character development determines thought patterns and range of action appropriate to each situation. Individuals, alleys or clown organizations may freely choose to impose upon themselves restrictions concerning costume, makeup or action. Failure to adhere to these self imposed restrictions, however, does not preclude anyone from the enjoyment of participation in the art of clowning. Alley and organizational rules are applicable only to those who want to belong to that specific alley or organization and do not speak for the entire clowning world. Clowning is one of the most free and open art forms. It can incorporate aspects of all other art forms. Clowns are free to show expertise or feign incompetence. Clowns are free to explore. Clowns are free to succeed or fail in their endeavors. Clowns are free to laugh and cry. Clowns are free to relate to young and old. Clowning is, and ought to be, inclusive and not restrictive. David "Mr. Rainbow" Bartlett |
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